Protecting Your Business From Hurricanes: Natural Disaster Preparedness in Tech

Operating in a hurricane-prone state like Florida means your business faces substantial risks when storm season strikes.
From ferocious winds to flooding, major hurricanes can wreak havoc on your property, inventory, and equipment if you don’t take proactive precautions.
Implement these recommendations to actively protect your company against hurricane fallout and ensure a swift recovery after a major storm:
- First, create a disaster preparedness plan outlining steps to secure the facility, protect physical assets, and ensure continuity of operations. Assign roles and responsibilities to specific employees.
- Invest in storm shutters or impact-resistant windows and doors to protect your building. Strengthen roofing and siding if needed.
- Back up key data and systems offsite or on the cloud in case IT infrastructure is damaged. Maintain redundancy to avoid downtime.
- In addition to backing up key data, create a routine backup plan to ensure that most of your data is backed up for any given situation.
- Make sure critical equipment like generators and sump pumps are operational. Stock up on fuel. Inspect fire suppression systems.
- Gather emergency supplies like plywood, sandbags, tarps, and plastic sheeting to prevent water intrusion and cover equipment.
- If possible, move important inventory and vulnerable electronics away from exterior walls and windows. Elevate equipment in basements.
- Communicate with key vendors and suppliers to understand their disaster plans. Build redundancy into your supply chain.
- Purchase commercial flood and wind insurance to the maximum coverage amount. Document equipment details for claims.
- Establish emergency communications protocols to connect with employees and apprise customers of any disruption.
Following these preparedness tips can go a long way toward protecting your physical assets and ensuring your company bounces back quickly after a major hurricane or tropical storm. Don’t wait until a storm is on the horizon – develop your disaster plan today.
Fizen Technology
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