IT Support

Near Misses in IT Services

A Near Miss

A Near Miss Has your team been experiencing "near misses" in managing your IT Services?  We "almost" had a storm this past weekend in Tampa Bay.  Last week as we watched, some prepared while others waited to see what would unfold.  Is your business approaching your IT Systems in the same way you prepare for [...]

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IT Decision Making Matrix

Mellifluous Chaos

Eisenhower Decision Matrix There will always be distractions within Information Technology.  Learning how to bring the many daily decisions into harmony with one another is a core objective for anyone focused on succeeding within the IT Services and Support space.  Put the Eisenhower Decision Matrix to work for your organization. It is not enough to

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Pair of hands release a dove into the sky

A Rising Phoenix

Rising as a Phoenix The pandemic created changes to our lives in ways we could have never imagined. Reflecting on the past few years, business owners and leaders will need to remember that we are running a Marathon, you are an endurance athlete. Rising as a phoenix requires taking time to rejuvenate and recenter. Not

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Develop Successful IT Processes as Habits

Breaking Bad Habits

Bad Habits Do you have a few habits you'd like to kick?  How can we rewire ourselves and our organizations to discard bad habits that are limiting our success? The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.  ~ Charles Duhigg The Full Scoop Does your organization have

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