A positive attitude and IT Support and Service for Business

Attitude, COVID-19

Adjust Your Attitude Many saw their daily routine turned upside down by COVID-19.  Others are very worried about what the future may hold.  At these times, as leaders we must stand tall and show through action and resolve; our commitment and confidence in the future.  Keep a positive attitude, the world is your oyster. You [...]

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Do More With Less, Use The Pareto Principle

The Pareto Principle

Implementing the Pareto Principle Have you ever spent an enormous amount of time on a task that ended up not proving useful or needed? Has this happened to you time and time again? Learn to use 'The Pareto Principle'. The Full Scoop The Pareto Principle is the observation that 80% of any result is attributable

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Use Chesterton's Fence While Working with IT Systems

Chesterton’s Fence

Chesterton’s Fence Often within Information Technology, we are working with IT Systems that were built by a predecessor and may not have been properly documented.  Members of your helpdesk staff and development teams will find processes in place that do not have an obvious function. Caution should be taken before making changes; when the intended

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Say, 'No Thanks', to work outside your Core Competencies

When to Say “Thanks” but “No Thanks”

Core Competencies Have you ever had a client relationship go from good to bad, after a failed initiative? What if you had decided to pass on the opportunity?  Learn when to say "No Thanks" to work that does not align with your Core Competencies. The Full Scoop I was recently contemplating the relationship between the

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