IT Services

Define Your Responsibility Matrix for IT

Responsibility Matrix

Define Your Matrix for IT Keep in mind that if you take an exceptional person and give them 10 things to do, you may find that little is accomplished. Give an exceptional person a few focused items to complete with a clearly expressed deadline, and you are likely to find it all gets completed.  Many [...]

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Clear Perspectives from Your Fractional CIO

Avoiding Absolutes

Clear Perspectives Too often we rely on emotion or circumstantial evidence to construct perspectives on our employees, vendors and customers; which are short-sighted.  Develop a clear perspective for situations that occur within Information Technology. "We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behavior." ~ Stephen M.R. Covey, The Speed of Trust: The One

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Make Your IT System Work for Your Business

Use What You Already Have

Getting More From Your IT System In a previous post, we talked about organizations getting more out of the IT System they already have.  In my career, I've found it useful to dig up those little known or unused tools; to share them with others.  Microsoft Delve is one of those tools.  It has been

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Managing Blind Spots

Managing Unknowns in IT Running a business is challenging and there are many unknowns. If you are not careful, they will catch you at the most inopportune moments. Join our discussion of how "Blind Spots" can disrupt your ability to manage the risks found within Information Technology. Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance ~ From the

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