Computer Repair

Time Management in IT

Where is my phone?

Time Management in IT Anyone else having trouble remembering where they left their phone, keys, ...brain?  Thank heavens my smart watch can ping my phone when it has been misplaced, heavens knows how I managed to never lose my prehistoric flip phones.  Our workforce is becoming increasingly bombarded with excessive amounts of data on a [...]

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Experience is Invaluable

Since You Were in Diapers. Why Experience is Invaluable

Experienced IT When it comes right down to it, nothing quite beats experienced IT teams disaster calls.  Looking back, my best mentors in IT had years of hard work and experience behind them, they pushed through their failures and trials to become stronger.  When storms clouds were forming or blood was already in the water,

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IT Training and Support

I.T. – Getting the Most

Maximize Investments in IT Every organization wants to maximize investments in their IT resources. But, it is not easy to find people that can make that happen. We must "Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." ~ Albert Einstein The Full Scoop Organization want to get the most out of

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Supporting and Maintaining Legacy IT Systems

Legacy Technologies

Legacy System Support It can be hard to part ways with a Legacy IT System that has been serving you well for many years if not decades.  It works well, your employees understand it, it is paid for; do you have to make a change? Let's discuss the pros and cons of engaging in legacy

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