Computer Repair

Make Your IT System Work for Your Business

Use What You Already Have

Getting More From Your IT System In a previous post, we talked about organizations getting more out of the IT System they already have.  In my career, I've found it useful to dig up those little known or unused tools; to share them with others.  Microsoft Delve is one of those tools.  It has been [...]

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Managing Blind Spots

Managing Unknowns in IT Running a business is challenging and there are many unknowns. If you are not careful, they will catch you at the most inopportune moments. Join our discussion of how "Blind Spots" can disrupt your ability to manage the risks found within Information Technology. Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance ~ From the

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Effective Management in Information Technology

Status Updates Create Success

Return and Report Effective management in Information Technology requires reliable information.  If you are struggling to encourage employees to provide you updates on their assignments, it may be time for some R&R!  No, we are not talking about rest and relaxation, although chances are high you may need some of that too. Repetition makes reputation

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Use Microsoft Teams to Make Life Easier

A Simple Tip

Using Microsoft Teams Sometimes you just have to share things that have made your life easier. Today, we're not going to get into any philosophy of ROI of your technology dollars, or ways that you create better PowerPoints. We are just going straight into a tech tip that you should try today if you are

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