IT Support

Use Chesterton's Fence While Working with IT Systems

Chesterton’s Fence

Chesterton’s Fence Often within Information Technology, we are working with IT Systems that were built by a predecessor and may not have been properly documented.  Members of your helpdesk staff and development teams will find processes in place that do not have an obvious function. Caution should be taken before making changes; when the intended […]

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Following Up, Critical for Effective Management

Learn to Follow Up Don't fall into the trap of believing that, since an assignment was given, it is in the process of being completed. "Trust but verify" is a tried and true Russian proverb that will work for you if employed properly. Learning to follow-up is critical for Effective Management. The Full Scoop The

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Sometimes Less is More

Keeping it Simple Have you ever spent a great deal of time coming up with options and solutions for a client, only to frustrate and overwhelm them in the process? Let's discussing the importance of keeping it simple.  Essentially, always remember that sometimes less is in fact more. Key Takeaways Most people desire a short

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