Customer Service

IT Management and Automation

Automagically Complete

IT Management IT Management can feel like the art of impossible.  A client request comes in, the priority is always high, if it is not completed quickly and accurately expectations can easily fail to be met.  How are we using control automation effectively, to do more, quickly and accurately; like magic! Let's discuss how to [...]

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IT Accountability and Operational Transparency

Four Eyes

IT Accountability No, no... not what the schoolyard bullies use to say about your glasses.  Besides, they were just jealous of your true awesomeness.  Have you considered using the four-eyes principle for ensuring greater IT accountability in your operations?  Let's take a look... Mistakes are very easy to make, even for detail oriented employees Take

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IT Services and Technology Blind Spots

Hacking Love Bugs

Blind Spots These poor critters never stood a chance.  There they were, flying along, in love with life and whack - that was the end of it.  Do you ever feel taken by surprise?  How can we avoid blind spots in the daily commute of delivering IT Services to clients. How can we avoid business

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Rubber Duck Debugging

Pair Programming

Rubber Duck Debugging How can you more effectively collaborate with others while working from home?  How can you recreate the effectiveness of team collaboration when you're up against a deadline and only have yourself to bounce ideas against?  Welcome to Rubber Duck Debugging! Tom Morris / CC BY-SA ( The only true wisdom is in

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